Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dedicated to all the Nursing Moms and Pigs

I think breastfeeding is really important. There is no substitute. So healthy for baby. Jordis turned one yesterday and my term of nursing is up. Forever. Some women would cry tears. I cry tears of joy. I am a breastfeeding advocate, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
With Elijah and Lydia I had all the infections and issues you could name. Jordis and I got off to a rough start, but fortunately I didn't get any infections or diseases. But it's still not my favorite. 

We went to the fair a few weeks ago. This is what we saw. This is what Shiloh said,
"Wow, talk about mastitis. And you think you have it bad." I dedicate this blog to this Pig Mama.

1 comment:

  1. Poor, poor mama pig. According to the photo, she is experiencing roughly seven times the nursing hell I endured during Ronin's first six weeks.
