Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dedicated to all the Nursing Moms and Pigs

I think breastfeeding is really important. There is no substitute. So healthy for baby. Jordis turned one yesterday and my term of nursing is up. Forever. Some women would cry tears. I cry tears of joy. I am a breastfeeding advocate, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
With Elijah and Lydia I had all the infections and issues you could name. Jordis and I got off to a rough start, but fortunately I didn't get any infections or diseases. But it's still not my favorite. 

We went to the fair a few weeks ago. This is what we saw. This is what Shiloh said,
"Wow, talk about mastitis. And you think you have it bad." I dedicate this blog to this Pig Mama.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Epidural

I have a chapter planned (that I have not written yet) that will cover labor and delivery. You can be sure I will write about the epidural. I had one with the first 3 deliveries and it worked well for me. I became a big fan. But as time passes I have become more of a dirty hippy - just without the dirtiness, free sex and drugs. With Jordis, I decided to give it a whirl without my sweet, sweet epi.
I survived and it hurt. Unfortunately I don't have any videos of when I was in labor with Jordis... because I was a little more on the ... how do I say ... on the "sensitive" side. For example, when Shiloh started chewing Hot Tamales right next to my ear while I was having a contraction I was ready to kick him to the curb. I don't know if the camera would have gone over real well during that time. In contrast, here is a video of me in active labor with Lydia... he could stuck a hot tamale in my ear and I wouldn't have cared.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Desperate Mom at Trader Joe's

I was at Trader's the other day with my crew. I ran into a Mom I know. I immediately noticed the blue crocs she was wearing as they didn't seem to fit her. And her son was bare foot. Classic desperate Mom...

They had just gotten back from a week's vacation in Hawaii (poor desperate mom, right?) the night before. Her other son was sick and had been to the doctor already that morning. She had already made 3 (or was it 5) trips to and from the house when she arrived at TJ's to restock their post vacation empty fridge and pantry... only to find she had forgotten her shoes. She was not going back home and she needed groceries. But TDM's are resourceful in their desperation. She just wore her son's crocs and he cruised the store barefoot. Diana, way to represent! Loved it!